As their hands to make a talisman money and good luck and to attract the financial stability?

Unfortunately, in our time, the funds are essential for full support of life.

Magical charms

It is difficult to find a person who did not want to maintain and increase their savings. No less important is the presence of luck. In order to attract money and good luck in your life, you can use the test time of the tool.

How to operate the magical charms?

The history of the emergence of cash from the charms of its roots in the pristine-slavic culture. In those times, any mysterious phenomenon explained by the strength of the gods. There were a lot of characters, each one of them had a pattern in the likeness of god. Each mascot serving a specific function. Some defended evil eye, others helped maintain the family, and others that contribute to the achievement of creative high.

Magical charms to attract money are used today. Some of them can be bought in special stores as provided. But the most easily manufactured in the home. As a general rule, for the creation of talismans used and useful tools. They can serve as yarn, paper, coins, natural stones, etc, it is Considered that anyone who is effective has not been the pet, that you will not bring tangible benefits, if the person carrying her, do not have faith.

How to make a talisman with their hands in the home?

The manufacture of the pet's own forces – not only useful, but also very exciting. But you must remember that in the process of creation of joss nobody should interfere. For this reason, it is best to choose a peaceful and quiet place. When you select the pet can move out of the sample of the zodiac, the form of use of the pet and other parameters.

The runes

For the manufacture of effective apotropaic can be used in virtually any material.

The most common are:

  • Runes;
  • The wax;
  • The coins;
  • Ouija card;
  • The natural stones;
  • The grass;

After the pet is ready, it is necessary to recharge the battery. To do this, there are a lot of possible options. The essence of this process consists in the establishment of contact between the man and his amulet. More often in the process of the charges involved of the nature: fire, air, water and land. Accordingly, to perform the rite of the activation of the pet it is necessary to lower in the water, the fire, exposed to the wind or bury in the earth.

After the conclusion of the ceremony, the pet begins to run. But we must not forget the proper care of the thing. There is always that having a pet close by. Hardly help you in the race of success, if you are going to be at home. You can't show your assistant the company. This undermines your energy reserve.

Herbarium of the bag

In the pristine-the slavic culture were distributed bags filled with stones or herbal. The filling of the bag out in accordance with the desired result. The grass always brought beneficial to the man. In addition, they are used for the creation of soups, broths, had a profound and magical sense. And a bag of cotton or linen, in which the grass blew, the blocked energy within apotropaic. Components for the creation of apotropaic could be more diverse. But more often mixing the following herbs:

  • Cinnamon;
  • Ginger;
  • Dried leaves of eucalyptus;
  • The leaves of pine;
Herbarium of the bag

The ingredients are taken in the same proportions. In the process of numbness in the bag, it was necessary to read the conspiracy to attract money and think of the end goal of performing the ritual. The bag has been advanced to decorate embroidery. More often than she appeared symbols to attract prosperity and glory. Tied the bag of thread of green color.

Save money of the bag should be near your place of work. Therefore, it will be more effective. However, this charm is not eternal, exactly a year after it loses its properties. Therefore, after this period of amparo should burn.

The mouse of the portfolio

The figure of the mouse from the old, was associated with the abundance and luxury. With this it is due to the multitude of interesting accept, and customs. It was believed that to see, as the mouse drag something to himself in the den – to the wealth.

The ancient slavs believed in this sign, and even specifically followed holes with the hope of seeing rodent. This sign well a logical explanation. In the house of the poor of the mouse is not lived, because there they could not afford a feast. The rich of the people was always to enjoy a snack.

Black pepper

Talisman with the image of the mouse to attract wealth popular today. Small figures made of wood, metal or precious stones. Store pet the best of everything in the bag. In some cases, it can be placed on the form in the bag. It is considered that the mouse not only attracts money, but and saved from further spending or theft. In addition, it contributes to the promotion of the ladder.

Bag with turquoise

As is known, natural stone has a mass of healthy properties. Each one of them works in a certain direction. The most effective stones to attract money, refers to the turquoise. Not only has a great energy, but also is sufficiently attractive decoration.

Turquoise can be used as decorative elements of the jewellery. But to attract money, it is much more effective bag with turquoise. You should find a small piece of turquoise and linen of the bag is blue in color. The stone is placed in the inside of the bag and read of the conspiracy. Actions that need to occur in the rising of the moon.

Each day should be put in a bag first coin, and then the big bills. Little by little, the nominal value should grow. As should be done until the bag is full. After this money in the stock market it is necessary to count three times and remove it again. Tied up a bag of blue yarn. Store need directly in the work place, but away from prying eyes.

Black pepper

If you plan an event that will decide the financial question, this will help under cover of the black pepper. Such important events can be attributed to the draw of a lottery ticket, the discussion of the important operation, etc, To the creation of the pet must write on a sheet of paper the amount which, in consequence, you must go to. Then you fold the sheet three times and placed in a small vessel, which previously must be satisfied of the lunar energy.

Talisman thread

After this, you should add the contents of the black pepper, close the lid and store in a secluded place. Before an event it is necessary to take out the pet of the left hand, thinking to profit.

Talisman thread

Very often, for the manufacture of cash of the pets are used regular thread. The possible variations on the theme of a large crowd. The more common it is possible to carry the laces, or bracelets on the wrist. As the main material used multi-color yarn.

The ancient slavs believed that the greatest magic effect have wool or cotton thread. Through its thickness, high demand used the wool.

For the creation of effective cord of three colors of thread-green, red, and blue. The color blue symbolizes the fulfillment of desires, green – increases the income tax and the red protects the owner of the bracelet of the potential risks. The three wires it is necessary to twist the one with the other flexible. In some cases, received the cord knotted at the ends and is used as such. But more often, the ends of the link themselves, by cutting off everything unnecessary. Ready bracelet is dressed to the left wrist or left ankle

Thread can be build and another talisman. In the village is called money ball. It should take any banknote or coin, as well as the wool ball of yarn. Followed by the palette with the ticket or a currency strictly in the middle a couple of times. The tip of the wire is necessary to exactly pin. The most successful colors are considered the red and the green. This amulet contributes to the conservation and improvement of money in cash. With him you can not have fear and effects of deterioration.